This morning I ran my first double digit run, a 10 mile long run out at the River Trail. I have really been picking up some speed on the shorter 4 and 5 mile runs, so for some reason I foolishly thought I could run 10 miles at that same pace. I did it, and I paid the price.
The first five miles were easy, as I did not realize what kind of tail wind was propelling me. I knew exactly what I was dealing with when I turned around on mile 5 and was running into a strong headwind, slowing me down almost a minute a mile.
I was greeted by the first cramps I have experiences during this training. I had to make up for lost time, so I got to experience cramps in my calves, hamstrings and abdominal muscles. I was a mess and reached for the ibuprofin. As bad as it was, it was as till a great way to spend my day off.
On my next long run, a 12 miler in two weeks, I'll do a better job pacing myself. I will be praying for a nice day on April 29th in Oklahoma City, with minimal winds and no rain like they had last year.