Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Six people who changed the world- Grandma Lala

Grandma Lala. Just hearing those words as a child would bring joy to my heart. My grandmother was one of the most joyful people I have ever known. She always had a song on her lips, and a hug and a burrito for anyone who came to the house. I cannot even begin to describe what my Grandma Lala gave to me. She worked hard every day of her life. Her house was always spotless. She gave away everything that she ever had. She lived the greatest commandments, love the Lord your God with all your heart, mind, and soul, and love your neighbor as yourself. My grandmother taught us all to love for others, that to give is better than to receive. None of us would ever forget the shed, the "casita" in the backyard full of clothes and items for anyone who ever needed them. She fed the homeless, and cared for the widow and the orphan. She was the personification of true religion. To me, nothing will ever showcase the amazing spirit of this woman more than the night of her memorial service. A humble woman of simple means, she died with not much to her name. Yet, her funeral services took place in a beautiful cathedral on a hill overlooking downtown Los Angeles. Even more grandiose than that however, was the fact the sanctuary was full of people who had been touched by her generosity. I thank the Lord I was able to serve her by officiating that memorial service, and the graveside service. When I look at her life, I can honestly say I feel nothing but joy that she is finally receiving her eternal reward. Yes, we miss her terribly, but she was a woman who lived life to the fullest here on earth, and though not a woman of means, she was the richest person I knew. The Lord took one Lala, and gave us a Baby Lala a week later. Now, every day, I will have see my grandma Lala in my Baby Lala, I can only pray she becomes a woman of prayer, kindness and joy as the woman with whom she shares her name.

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