Friday, December 18, 2009

What stinks in here?

It has been a long time since I have posted here. This blog is not for things that happen at Christian Chapel, but for things that happen when we venture outside the walls of the church and go into the community.

This morning, I had the privilege of ministering to about 80 kids at Peters Elementary School. We typically have about 100 kids, but for some reason, we had less children this morning. It was pajama day. I can say it was an interesting ministry experience, looking out and seeing 80 kids wearing pajamas in a gym, at a public school no less. We are so blessed to have this opportunity.

It is truly a labor of love. The club has evolved over the past four years from a small gathering of about 30 kids with me and a karaoke machine microphone to a full out show at times, with 130 kids and a real music leader, Amy Skeie. Our typical program now last 30 minutes, and includes music, a crazy game, and either a smelly science experiment, or a visit from Cheto himself. You never know what you are going to get.

This morning, we decided to light a pickle up like a candle. This is one of my favorite lessons because it uses many of the senses: you can actually hear the sizzle inside the pickle as it lights up, you can see it light up, and of course you can smell it when it's done. Why light a pickle up like a candle? Because you would never expect me to! Just like Jesus was a different kind of savior than we expected, a pickle is a different kind of light. Special thanks to the greatest tech ever, Wayne Wherspan, who has kept me from lighting myself on fire over the years.

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